Family circumstances can change quickly and with little warning. Those changes could have major implications for the family's shared custody arrangements. A parent could accept a new job in a different state, get engaged to a new romantic partner or develop health...
Month: January 2022
Do you need medical advance directives in your estate plan?
A Michigan estate plan is not just a will that designates recipients for your assets when you die. It can also include numerous documents that protect you while you are still alive. Medical advance directives can protect you in an emergency where you cannot speak for...
What constitutes reckless driving under Michigan law?
Most traffic violations lead to roadside stops and tickets. If you drive too fast, turn without using a signal or otherwise break Michigan's traffic laws, a police officer may pull you over and write you a ticket. Sometimes, the police officer will accuse you of more...
What happens to your retirement account in a Michigan divorce?
For much of your marriage, you and your spouse have probably shared your income and worked jointly toward certain financial goals. A secure and comfortable retirement is frequently the biggest goal for a couple thinking about the future other than buying a home....
How young should you start your estate plan?
While many people don’t think that they need an estate plan until they’re older, the truth is that you should start estate planning as young as 18. There are certain legal documents that protect you during your lifetime that you may benefit from, which is why it’s...
Fight a DUI to protect your commercial driver’s license
If you were caught drinking and driving while behind the wheel of a personal or commercial vehicle, your commercial license may have been put at risk. If you lost your license, your career may have ended immediately. For you, getting your license back is the first...
Do you have a right to spousal support in a Michigan divorce?
If you are someone who has not worked during your marriage because of caring for your children or you stayed at home to take care of housekeeping tasks, then you may be in a difficult situation if you decide to get divorced. Even if you work part-time, it can be...
How do the Michigan family courts split property in a divorce?
During your marriage, you share basically everything with your spouse. Your cohabitation and co-ownership arrangements will end with your marriage. It can be difficult to think about divorce in part because it is so hard to predict what will happen with your property....
Does a custody schedule matter if your child drives?
You waited to look into divorcing your spouse until your children were in their mid-to-late teens. As a result, your children both know how to drive and can do so freely. At 16 and 17, neither of them has many years left under a custody schedule, so you’re not sure...
Can you be arrested for speeding in Michigan?
While speeding might not seem very serious, there are some serious penalties that could apply to your case. For example, a first-time violator of Michigan’s speeding laws may result in penalties such as: Up to $100 in fines A license suspension Did you know that there...